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Monday, May 23, 2011

Slumdog Millionaire.

This film is one of the best film we have ever seen. A fantastic Bollywood´s masterpiece that has win nine oscars in the famous 2008´s edition.
The film is about a young poor guy´s life, Jamal.
This boy obtains the best opportunity of his life: Participate in the most famous reallity show on time. Who wants to be a millionaire?
Although it sounds impossible but the boy replies correctly all the answer.
Anybody knows those difficult quetions´ answer, but Jamal answers it without problems. Why?
-¿Did he cheat?
-¿Had he got good luck?
-¿Is he a genius?
-¿was it written in the fate?

There is another option: he had lived all that questions´ answer.
He knows the results because he, his brother Salim, and his friend Latika travelled arround Bombay when they were three children and live in difficult times.
His brother and he were orphaned at the age of six, his friend Latika was kidnap, and they run away from an horrible racketeer.
He lives a dangerouse adventure when he must rescue Latika, his best friend and the great love of his life. 
But she got married with the worst man in Bombay. An horrible drug trafficker.
What will happen in his life?
He will be a fantastic millionaire? 
Can he rescue Latika of that horrible man´s clutches?
There is only one answer. It´s your time. Choose your finally decision.
Don´t forget see: Slumdog Millionaire 

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