Close your eyes.
What do you listen?
It´s around us.
Only you should stand and feel it with your heart.
That ´s true.
My name is August Rush, and I feel the music.
In other time, my name was Evan, when I was only a child who lost his parents.
People told my "mad", but today, I don´t mind that. I knew that I was different.
But at this moment, everything is changing.
Music is my friend, every morning I call it and it comes to me .
I´s there, inside my mind. Only you should pay attention.
I can do things that the rest of the world can´t do.
Where everybody hear noises, I enjoy the ritm of the city.
Where everybody see streets, I listen to thousands of fantastic melodies.
When people don´t feel anything, I dance with the melody of silence.
Music is here, inside my mind.
I don´t know my past. I have never met my parents . Nobody meet them.
But I feel that they are alive. At this moment , I am presaging my future. And I think that I will find them. music will guide me.
My name is August.
August Rush.
And I am a Musician.
August Rush.
And I am a Musician.
If you love music, you should see the film "August Rush".
The music is all around us.
All you have to do is listen.